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Girls in Engineering Math and Science

(rising 5th thru 8th grade)

(rising 9th thru 12th grade)

(rising 9th & 10th grade)

(rising 11th & 12th grade)

miniGEMS started in 2015 with just a one-week camp in the summer and has grown tremendously. miniGEMS consists of four two-week camps, Monday through Friday, 8 am to 4 pm. Every two weeks we host different schools and each camp has the same curriculum. In 2019, five two-week camps were held each having approximately thirty girls participate in the camp, with about 150 students that came to miniGEMS. miniGEMS exposes young girls to programming, coding, nutrition, and robotics. It is the first camp for middle school girls with a special focus on autonomous ground, air, and underwater robots.

About miniGEMS

About FIRST LEGO League

GEMS also has clubs during the school year at three of the schools that were hosted during the summer camps. Each club has at least one FIRST LEGO League (FLL) team. FIRST LEGO League consists of four components: the robot missions, robot design, an innovative project, and core values project. On January 18th, 2020, two GEMS teams competed along with 22 other teams from San Antonio and the surrounding areas. The two miniGEMS Club teams were the only all-girls team in attendance, and the girls showed up with excitement to show the judges what they have programmed their robot to do and to share all they had learned about their community. 

megaGEMS started in 2019 and consists of two two-week camps geared towards Freshmen and Sophomore students, Monday through Friday, 8 am to 4 pm. megaGEMS goes more in-depth than miniGEMS and has slightly different challenges incorporating subjects such as chemistry, mechanical engineering, and programming language Python. 

About megaGEMS

 About megaGEMS RC

Additionally, megaGEMS includes a six-week research camp geared toward Junior and Senior students, also Monday through Friday, 8 am to 4 pm. Students in the megaGEMS Research Camp create their own research projects and poster and present their research at the GEMS banquet.

megaGEMS UNITE Research
Applications are OPEN till May 15th!

UNITE RC Criteria:
- Entering 9th or 10th grade for the 2023-24 school year
- 3.0 GPA or better
- Available for the full 4 weeks! 
- Interest in Science, Tech, Engineering, and Math!

For more info about the AEOP UNITE programs
click below!

To apply click below!

megaGEMS RC is hosted by the University of the Incarnate Word

June 5 - June 30, 2023

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GEMS works with schools to connect with students. 

If you are interested in being a part of GEMS, please contact us!

Thanks for submitting!

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